Tuesday, 17 February 2015

LG G3 - KitKat vs Lollipop UI Comparison

By now, most of you in America should be
enjoying Android 5.0 Lollipop on their LG G3s.
The update was seeded by AT&T recently, and
should be beaming to Sprint handsets as we
speak! We already got this bad boy on our
handsets so we decided to compare its visuals
with the older Android 4.4.2/4.4.4-based
firmware. As you can see for yourselves, not
much has changed at all, which is actually a good
thing. Our impression of the LG G3's stock
interface is that LG adopted a Material Design-
esque aesthetic before we even knew of Material
Design's existence. Remember the white spaces,
bold colors and translucent status bar? All of
that was there before Android 5.0 was
announced, and there wasn't that much to update
at all.
However, those updating to Lollipop will
experience Google's lively new menu animations,
some new fonts in places, a revamped
notifications system (cards & lock screen
notifications), the card-like multitasking menu,
and other Material essentials. The software nav
keys design stays, though, which will be good
news for those of you that considered Google's
new design too minimal.
UI aside, the Lollipop update is behaving very
well. We haven't noticed anything exceptionally
good or bad about its stability and speed, but it's
safe to say LG delivered a finished, polished
Lollipop build to the LG G3. Your mileage may
vary, of course. Some users have reported
crashes, others batteries have been quicker to
drain. But in Android land, it's mostly up to each
individial user and their device - the apps they
install, the maintenance they do, the activities
they do on their smartphones, and other factors
that make it difficult to point the operating
system as the culprit.

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