Friday 20 February 2015

How to disable Google services and system apps you aren't using on Android (root)

Here at PhoneArena, we've touched down on the
freedom of throwing all those pesky, resource-
eating carrier and vendor bloatware apps in the
bin that's bestowed upon you by a rooted Android
device. When it comes to certain system apps and
services, however, completely uninstalling and
banishing them into oblivion might not be the
best way to slice that cake. What if you uninstall
a vendor app, then come back looking for it in
vain, as it hasn't been put online or inside the
Google Play Store. Or what if uninstalling a
particular services ends up breaking another
app's functionality?
To ensure you have a safe way out of these
swamps, the better option is to disable, or
"freeze" said apps and services, rather than to
outright get rid of them. This shuts them down
completely, but it lets you easily enable them
later on. So we'll show you how to do just that,
using the quick and lethal Disable Service app.
Grab it from the Play Store and we'll take it for
a spin, disabling some unneeded mumbo jumbo
from our Lollipop 5.0.1-running test bunny!

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