Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Galaxy Note 4 dominates our blind camera comparison, beats a Canon DSLR and the iPhone 6 Plus

So, which one's better at taking photos – a
modern DSLR camera, an iPhone 6 Plus, or a
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 ? That's the question we
wanted to answer with our recent blind camera
comparison, and you might be surprised by the
results we're about to share. Long story short,
votes are greatly in favor of Samsung's phablet.
The Galaxy Note 4 took first place in five out of
six scenes, thus solidifying its name as one of
the best cameraphones in existence. As for the
camera we threw in the race, a Canon EOS 650D,
it lagged quite a bit behind the Note 4 and
Apple's finest.
Now, you're probably wondering how a quality
DSLR lost to a couple of smartphone cameras. The
answer, in our opinion, has a lot to do with what
people perceive as a good-looking image. The
iPhone, for example, usually produces colors that
are warmer than they actually look – colors are
somewhat inaccurate, but very eye-pleasing. In
the meantime, the Galaxy Note 4 adds a hint of
sharpness to its images, thus making details more
pronounced. As for the DSLR camera, we had it
set to automatic settings while shooting. Its RAW
images were exported as JPEG by adding as little
processing as possible, which produced faithful,
yet not-so-catchy photos.
So at the end of the day, is the Samsung Galaxy
Note 4 a better camera than a DSLR? Well, that
depends on your priorities and on how you look at
these two devices. The latter's RAW images look
soft and uninspiring as they are, but can be
made to look as good, if not better than the
Note's – all it takes is a few minutes of simple
editing. The Galaxy Note 4, on the other hand, as
well as the iPhone 6 Plus, take care of all the
post-processing for you – you get a pleasing
picture with as little effort as possible. And we
don't even have to mention that they fit in a
pocket, unlike a DSLR.
Are you surprised by the results from our blind
camera comparison? Or were you expecting to see
a smartphone collecting more votes than a DSLR?
Let us know in the comments!

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